Spirit guide connection

What is spirit guide connection?

In a one-on-one session with Aisha, connect with your Spirit guide (or guides) and nurture the link that is most supportive of your highest self.

How does it work?

Aisha finds any Spirit guides that are ready and waiting to give guidance in any aspect of life that you need.

To do this, Aisha uses…

  • tarot reading

  • visualizations

  • psychic reading and channelling

what are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are energy. Each one is a different energy. They walk between the world of everyday and the realm of Spirit as carriers of wisdom, compassion, and guidance.

Spirit guides come in a variety of forms:

  • animal guides

  • plant guides

  • crystals and stones

  • the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit)

  • the cardinal directions (North, South, East, West)

  • even celestial bodies! (look up at the Moon, find the North Star, feel the warmth of the Sun, or simply look under your feet at the Earth itself!)

  • deities (gods or goddesses)

  • ancestors

  • past lives

  • and more!

why would i need it?

It’s no secret that we often feel separate from ourselves as we navigate the complications and obstacles of the physical world.

And because we feel separate, we often forget ourselves.

But you know who never forgets who we are?

Spirit guides!

So it would be great if we could consistently communicate with our Spirit guides who know us best, right?

Well, as you know, there are so many thoughts going on in our heads each day (about 60,000—aaahhh!)

that you can’t tell which ones to listen to,

so you ignore most of them for the sake of your own sanity.

Unfortunately, one way Spirit guides connect with you is through your thoughts, which means some of the thoughts you ignore are from your Spirit guides.


Now before you go beating yourself up, it’s okay.

We all end up ignoring guidance,

even if we don’t mean to.

But don’t we want to stop ignoring and start listening,

because we want our best life to be this life, and we’re wise enough to know we need help?

That’s where Aisha, a professional medium and psychic, comes in to clear the way between you and your Spirit guides,

to establish the bridge between your mind and heart,

to bridge the gap between your physical self and higher self,

because you deserve access to divine help,

which is always there to help lift your burdens and guide you to your highest good.

Click here to connect with divine guidance

below are five spirit guides Aisha has channelled for herself and for clients—they may come to you!

Spirit guide: Protective rhino on alert

The rhino has a strong resonance with the Earth element

Rhinos are protective, steadfast, and sensitive

Learn to call on Rhino when you need to be alert and grounded

Spirit guides can be mythical!

Pegasus resonates with the Air element

Learn to ask Pegasus for help when you need to leap from a limited mindset to a BOUNDLESS mindset

Solitary Spirit guide Mt. Kilimanjaro in Amboseli National park

We can safely say that volcanoes resonate powerfully with the Fire element

This volcano is Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania

Mt. Kilimanjaro appeared to Aisha in a vision that showed many, many animal and plant Spirit guides just waiting to work with her to help others

Learn to call on Volcano when you simply need to embody POWER

The Manta Ray glides in to represent the Water element

When the waters of emotion are tumultuous, learn to call on Manta Ray when you need to move through life with grace and dignity

Spirit Guide: Polaris Long Exposure Photograph

When you take a long exposure photograph of the stars (where the lens is open for hours instead of the usual fraction of a second) you get to see the path of the stars in the night sky, as Earth spins on its axis from West to East

In the center of the swirl here is the star Polaris, which resonates with the element of Spirit

Being almost directly due North, Polaris has been a reliable guide for explorers across the centuries

So when your path in life is dark, whether you want to go on an adventure or return home, learn to call on Polaris, the North Star, to show you the way

Click here to connect with a guide