Along with the ups and downs of life, patterns are an intricate part of our lives. These patterns, whether they manifest in our thoughts, behaviors, or relationships, can become deeply ingrained enough to guide the course of our journey. Sometimes our patterns and habits are for our highest good, and may be learned during childhood, like your self-care and household routines, while other habits and patterns are ones we wish to change, such as negative self-talk and procrastination. And we all go through it! Patterns and habits that impede our highest good can sometimes overtake even the best of our intentions. And what can sometimes happen when we revert back to the old pattern? We get upset and angry, maybe even at ourselves for not sticking to our highest good. Getting angry does nothing but make the issue worse. Now there is negative thinking surrounding the pattern, making it that much harder to break.

If this feels familiar, working with Spirit guides can help get to the root of the pattern’s existence. Spirit guides are here to help us transform, and today we learn about the beautiful Zebra guide, the ultimate pattern-breaker who gives us a chance to break free from stagnant patterns that no longer serve our highest good.

First, a little bit about Spirit guides and how they can help. These ethereal beings carry with them a reservoir of insight, energy, and teachings as they traverse the realms beyond the visible. As we navigate the intricate labyrinths of our lives, these benevolent entities assist us on our sacred life path. Spirit guides may come to you in all sorts of forms (for example, animals, humans, deities, and celestial beings).  I personally channel and work with all types of Spirit guides, and really enjoy working with Animal Spirit guides; I love the lessons and guidance they bring.

In this blog post, we are talking about the beautiful Zebra, who assists in unraveling and reshaping patterns that no longer serve us and invites us to embark on a journey of introspection, balance, and positive change. As we work hand in hand (or hand in hoof) with Zebra, this Spirit guide encourages us to recognize the patterns that may hinder our progress and to embrace self-transformation—even when the going gets tough. The unique black-and-white-striped pattern of Zebra is a symbolic representation of balance, light and dark working together through life’s ever-changing environments.

To understand how Zebra helps to break patterns and bring balance, it is important to know more about how these wonderful creatures operate in the physical world and how this corresponds to our quest of manifesting positive change.

The Connection Between Zebra and Your Journey

Individuality—You are unique!

There are no two zebras that look exactly alike, just as each of us has a different set of fingerprints. Their unique black and white stripes serve as a method of individual identification within the herd, protection from insects such as flies, regulation of body temperature, and disruption of predators’ ability to track individuals within the herd. Like the zebra, we are all unique. Zebra reminds us to embrace our individuality. You are unique! Own it!

Adaptability—No matter how tough the challenge, we find a way!

Zebra’s ability to adapt to its surroundings is a reminder for us to endure challenging circumstances. Zebras can survive for long periods without water by relying on the moisture content of the surrounding vegetation that they eat. We can apply this lesson in resilience and resourcefulness while working toward changing the patterns that no longer serve our highest good. It’s not always the easiest—breaking these patterns and habits, and at times, it can feel like a long, drawn out process; it can also be hard to have faith that the changes will stick once we start down this path. Zebra reminds us that resilience is key to bringing positive change into our lives. Our life path requires us to adapt. Zebra says, “Change is inevitable!”

Energetic and Playful Behavior—Enjoy the journey!

Known for their energetic and playful behavior, especially among the younger members of the herd, Zebra reminds us to incorporate joy and playfulness into our lives, even when facing challenges. Young zebras learn essential life skills by honing their agility, coordination, and social prowess through play. Ever hear of the phrase laughter is the best medicine? It’s true! Finding things that bring joy and laughter into your life is essential. It is also important to enjoy your wins! It’s so easy to move your attention almost instantaneously from one accomplishment to the list of everything that isn’t yet done. Check something off your to-do list that has been there since forever and go do something that you love. Our lives are meant to be enjoyed—celebrate being you!

Strong Social Bonds—We all need support in our lives!

Zebras support each other in their herds by forging strong social bonds. They reinforce their connections through grooming, communication and sound, and body language. The significance of these social bonds becomes particularly apparent when considering the role they play in the herd's security. In the vast landscapes they inhabit, zebras face the ever-present threat of predators. Each member contributes to the group's awareness and security by alerting one another to potential threats. The strength of these social bonds is, therefore, not only a testament to their interconnectedness but also a strategy imperative to their survival in the wild. We, too, need support in our lives. I, personally, have regular sessions with a couple of mentors to talk through life’s challenges and ups and downs. Whether it’s talking with a good friend, trusted family member, coach, or therapist, being able to reach out in times of uncertainty and challenge can be so helpful while we navigate change on our life path.

Ways to Work With Zebra Spirit Guide

Connecting with Zebra, or any guide, is a personal experience. There is no one-size-fits-all method. I’m listing some ways for you to connect with Zebra; however, this is in no way an exhaustive list. And remember: what works for you may not work for the next person. Each connection is unique.

Visualization: I am big on visualization and I work with it often, especially when connecting with my Spirit guides. While there is overlap between visualization and meditation, they are different. While meditation is more passive, visualization is more active, and you stay in a conscious state.

Here’s a quick rundown on how to do it: Sit (or lie down) in a comfortable position (I recommend keeping a notebook and pen next to you to record your experience) and concentrate on your breathing. As you slowly breathe in and out, think of Zebra, and in your mind, ask this guide for the message that is meant for you at this moment to help break whatever pattern you wish to shift for your highest good.

You may see the colors of the black and white stripes. You may see the whole Zebra. Or you may not see anything, but may feel sensations or emotions such as warmth, tingling, happiness, etc. Whatever you experience in the moment that you are asking Zebra for help is correct. When you open your eyes after exiting your visualization journey, write down everything that you experienced.

Some stock interpretations for what comes up for you:

  • If you saw black and white, this may mean that you need more balance in your life.

  • If you saw the whole Zebra, notice what it was doing:

    • Was it standing still (an indication that you may need to move forward with something)?

    • Was it running away from something (an indication that you may have some fear about an aspect of your life)?

    • Or was it playing with others (an indication that you may need to bring more happiness, fun, and community into your life)?

Again, what you experience is correct. The more you practice visualization, the more messages you will receive, and the more you will get used to what you see and experience.

Challenge: Try out visualization for 30 days, be sure to keep track of your experiences, then witness your progress to your goal.

Imagery and Symbolism: Surround yourself with images or symbols of zebras, such as artwork, photographs, or figurines. Use these visuals as focal points for contemplation and connection. One symbol that always comes to mind when I think of Zebra is that of Yin and Yang. The two colors embody the concept that two seemingly opposing forces are interconnected and flowing together, much like the black and white stripes of Zebra.

Offerings and Spiritual Spaces: You may want to consider gathering offerings or creating an altar space for Zebra. Don’t have lots of space to do an intricate altar? Simply place an offering of grass as a form of sustenance to the Spirit of Zebra. Other altar space ideas are to bring the black and white theme to your sacred space with colored clothes, etc., or place a printed picture of your zebra in your space.

Journaling: I keep a few journals, and one of them is for my connections with my Spirit guide team. I journal on my thoughts, feelings, and the help I ask from my Spirit guides for navigating my life path. It is common knowledge that some of the benefits of this practice may include a positive impact on mental health, improved mood, greater feelings of overall well-being, and improved memory.

Mindful Observation: To the best of your ability, find a way to study zebras. The internet is full of useful and helpful information, including pictures and videos. As you observe their behavior, be mindful of how you feel and reflect and journal on any lessons you learn that resonate with you.

Practicing Affirmations: Affirmations can be a wonderful tool to help influence the subconscious mind according to osteopathic doctor Leena S. Guptha, DO in the Psychology Today article “To Affirm or Not Affirm?: Self-Affirmations = Self Help” (2017). Guptha stresses that consistent, sincere, and conscious use of affirmations can lead to transformative shifts in your mindset and well-being that promote a more optimistic and empowered approach to life. You may write your own, or use any of the examples I have provided.

  • I move through life's patterns with the help of Zebra, finding harmony and balance in every step.

  • I walk with Zebra to face challenges with resilience, courage, and strength.

  • Zebra walks by my side as I release patterns and habits that no longer serve my highest good.

  • I walk confidently through the landscapes of my life, embracing my individuality and beauty, just as Zebra’s stripes set it apart from peers.

  • I embrace the excitement of positive change, adapting to life’s ever-changing environments with flexibility and resilience with Zebra by my side.

  • I cultivate meaningful relationships that support and strengthen my life’s journey, just as Zebra finds strength in unity and connection.

  • Just like Zebra, I am the ultimate pattern-breaker, creating space for positive change in my life.

How Can Working with Zebra Actually Help?

Here’s a personal experience to help answer this question.

This is my first ever blog post. I had no clue how to do it or even how to start. I used to love to write and hadn't for a long time—years, in fact. While writing this blog, I kept a picture of Zebra next to me. Every time I felt overwhelmed or anxious about this project, I would stop, look at the picture, breathe, and close my eyes. I visualized myself moving forward with Zebra by my side within this new situation. My Zebra Spirit guide often takes me for walks across the African plains, through the golden-colored grass. When I am with Zebra, there is no other sound except us walking side by side, the dry grass crunching under our feet. Zebra allows me to feel what I need to—fear, doubt, anxiousness—all while moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other to finish something that before, I would have likely quit doing. After sitting with these experiences, I feel grateful for writing again after so long, when I used to love doing it, but had stopped during a traumatic time in my life. I have taken a lot of time and energy to heal, and writing is a huge part of that. Zebra has been here, every step of the way, urging me on, even when the road has seemed long on the journey toward positive change.

This is the power of Spirit guides and how they may help you with your sacred transformation. As a reminder, it's important to recognize that breaking old patterns and replacing them with new, healthier ones is not always a quick or linear process - it can take time. Just as patterns develop over time through repeated thoughts and behaviors, undoing them and establishing new habits requires patience, persistence, and self-compassion. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, often including ups and downs, setbacks, and moments of triumph. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your commitment to personal growth and healing. Remember: every effort you make to break free from old patterns brings you closer to living a life aligned with your highest good. Change isn't always the easiest—trust me, I know. But we can all do it!

Celebrate Your Wins!

Celebrating your wins serves as a powerful tool for self-motivation, resilience, and work with Spirit in general. When you acknowledge your successes (even the small ones), you reinforce your belief in yourself and in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve goals, creating a cycle of success and empowerment that propels you toward continued growth and positive change. Celebrating YOU can help take some of the edge off of waiting for positive change to manifest. So you journaled for 2 weeks straight? Awesome—celebrate that!

Hope you enjoyed! Follow us on Instagram or shoot us an email to stay attuned to Spirit guides with My Sacred Bridge!


Guptha, Leena S., DO. “To Affirm or Not Affirm?: Self-Affirmations = Self-Help.” Psychology Today (blog). April 25, 2017. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/embodied-wellness/201704/affirm-or-not-affirm.